Hear Justin Paperny's story of how a bad decision can have a life-changing impact, his personal lessons learned from his time in federal prison, and how he helps others avoid similar pitfalls. He also guides people, who are caught in a bind, through the criminal justice system.Justin Paperny graduated from the University of Southern California, then built his career as a successful stockbroker. His practice at notable firms that included Bear Stearns and UBS, specialized in representing professional athletes and hedge funds. Bad decisions led Justin into problems with the criminal justice system.Justin and his company has been featured in The New York Times, Dr. Phil, CNN, Fox News, Forbes, Court TV, NBC, ABC, Forbes and many more media outlets. www.whitecollaradvice.comWhen: Wed June 19, 2024Where: Maggiano's Little Italy, Costa MesaTime: 5:30 PM-7:30PMCost:$40 professional attendees, $35 for studentsWhat's included: Appetizer, Salad, Dinner, Dessert, & beverage.1.0 CPE credit awarded.
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